Daniel: Standing Firm Against Temptation

A Sermon on Daniel 1: 1-21 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


When was the last time you experienced pressure/s in your life? How will you respond if some of your friends or peers will try to influence you to do wrong things that could bring a negative effect on your life? Daniel experienced different pressures, sufferings, and numerous temptations that enticed him to compromise and turn away from his faith in God as he lived and survived in a dark pagan culture that had no respect for God. However, he stood firm in his commitment to serve and glorify the Lord despite the uncertainties and daily pressures to conform to his sinful environment.


  1. Discern God’s sovereign hand and leading during difficult times (vv.1-4)

  2. Be grateful and seek the good of those around you (vv.5-7)

  3. Remain faithful to God in the middle of temptations (vv.8-16)

  4. Remember that God’s blessings, protection, and favor are bestowed to the faithful (vv.17-21)

Life Application

  1. Our world will pressure us hardly to conform or adapt to their ways of thinking. It could happen wherever we are such as in our workplaces, our schools, or some other institutions and it could come from various sources. May we always practice the teachings and way of life that we hear and see from God’s Word, so that we could please and glorify Him.

  2. Daniel was the first to resolve not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. Daniel’s three friends followed his lead in standing for their faith and belief in God. How are you influencing your family, brethren, and friends to be faithful to the Lord?

  3. We have seen God’s faithfulness and favor to Daniel and his friends by protecting them and giving them good health, knowledge, and wisdom as they lived in a foreign and hostile nation. Let us be grateful to God for continually blessing us with all those and more each day.



Esther: Saying Yes to God


King Saul: Be Faithful in Obeying God’s Will