God’s Kind-heartedness and Jonah’s Obedience

A Sermon on Jonah 3:1-10 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Jonah chapter 3 will give us a clear picture of how Jonah obeyed God and how he was given a second chance to go to Nineveh.  As prophet Jonah obeyed God, the people of Nineveh believed God’s message and repented.  This passage shows the importance of believers obeying God’s command to go to the place where He is directing us to go, preach the Good News and leave the results up to God.  Moreover, this chapter will show God’s loving nature of kind-heartedness and forgiveness towards undeserving people. 


  1. A sovereign work of God to forgive and change (vv. 1-2)

  2. Jonah’s obedience to pronounce God’s message of repentance (vv. 3-5)

  3. A mighty work of God to an undeserving people (vv. 6-7)

  4. God’s kind-heartedness and compassion to a perverse culture and generation (vv. 8-9)

  5. God bestowed His mercy and grace to those who repent of their sins (v. 10)

Life Application

  1. Jonah acknowledged and obeyed the call of the Lord to preach repentance to the City of Nineveh. He traveled for three days and showed his submission to God by reaching out to the Ninevites. Do you still obey God joyously and willingly even if you need to exert effort and sacrifices?

  2. The Ninevites showed their repentance to the Lord by fasting, covering themselves in sackcloth, calling God in prayer, and turning from their wicked ways. These are the true signs of genuine repentance and belief in God. How do you approach the Lord as you ask for forgiveness for your sins?

  3. God had shown His love, kind-heartedness, grace, and mercy to underserving people just like us. How do you show your gratitude and thankfulness to God for all the blessings, healing, and provisions that He is giving you each day?



God’s Compassion and Love Prevails


Jonah’s Prayer in Moment of Crisis