Serving Together in Unity and Humility

A Sermon on Philippians 1:27-2:11 by Pastor Allan Santos


Watch the sermon here.


We, as God’s children, are called to serve one another with love and humility. As Christians, we are notable in our ability to care and be united at the same time. The Apostle Paul charged the Philippian Church to be consistent in serving one another with spiritual strength and by imitating Jesus’ humility, sacrifice and sympathy towards people who know the Lord and those who are seeking Him.

In this passage, Paul encouraged the church to follow Jesus Christ’s example of life and ministry. As believers, they need to live as authentic Christians who are worthy of the gospel by being united, humble and persistent in their service to God and people.


  1. Paul’s appeal for believers to stand firm and suffer for Jesus (Phil.1:27-28)

  2. Paul’s encouragement for believers to have spiritual unity and to display humility (Phil. 2:1-4)

  3. Jesus’ example of service, humility and self-sacrifice (Phil.2:5-8)

  4. Jesus’ exaltation and sovereignty in all things (Phil.2:9-11)

Response to God’s Word

  1. One of the most significant problems that we experience today as God’s children is pride. We think too highly of ourselves, and we consider ourselves better and much more significant than others. I would like to challenge you to memorize Philippians 2:5-8, and may it remind us every day to follow Christ’s example of humility and having a servant attitude.

  2. The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippian church to be united in serving the Lord. What step will you take next week to promote spiritual unity in our church and your Care Group/Bible Study Group?

  3. This passage ended by affirming Jesus’ authority and sovereignty in all things. Are you fully submitting yourself to Jesus, or are you still in control of every aspect of your life?



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