Detecting the Lies of Our World

A Sermon on Matthew 7:13-29 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


In the last portion of the Sermon on the Mount, we will see that Jesus spoke of what it takes to be a true follower of God. He is strongly saying that we cannot fake our way into the kingdom of God. Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount are impossible tasks to follow on our own, but His work of redemption on the cross and resurrection from the grave accomplished the impossible tasks on our behalf. When we were born again and given the gift of the Holy Spirit, we were enabled to obey the commands of Jesus in this sermon and live out an ordinary radical lifestyle by His power and grace.


  1. Avoid the broad way of a disastrous life (vv.13-14)

  2. Avoid the fruitless teaching of the false prophets. (vv.15-20)

  3. Avoid the deception of self-righteousness (vv.21-23)

  4. Choose to build the foundation of your life in God’s Word. (vv.24-27)

  5. Choose to surrender to Jesus’s authority in your life. (vv.28-29)

Life Application

  1. Jesus taught us that there are two pathways in our journey. One leads to destruction and the other leads to life. One is an easy way but leads to death. The other is difficult but leads to life. May we choose wisely, for our eternal destiny depends on this choice. Which way are you traveling on?

  2. As we obey and build our life in Jesus, we will encounter challenges and hard times. But may we always remember that God will be our strong foundation. He will be our helper, guide, and sustainer. What storms are you facing today that God could not resolve? Put your trust in the Lord because He is sovereign in all things

  3. Sometimes we rebel and turn away from God’s authority in our lives so that we could do what we want, thinking that it would make us happy. We would like to rely on our own understanding, strength, and wealth. Remember that as God’s children, we should be submissive to God’s authority in our lives because His ways are always right, and His will is perfect in our lives.



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