Committed to Quiet Time

A Sermon on Exodus 33:7-34:10 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Are you consistent in your daily quiet time with the Lord? Quiet time with the Lord is so vital in our Christian living because it will help us to grow in our personal relationship with Him. During our quiet time, we talk to God in prayer, and we listen to Him through His Words.

Today, let us witness how Moses modeled to us how to have meaningful quiet time with the Lord. When the Israelites did the detestable sin of creating and worshipping a golden calf, Moses was enraged. Yet he interceded before the Lord for forgiveness for His people.


  1. Moses selected a place to commune with the Lord (Exo. 33:7-10)

  2. Moses’ meaningful time of listening and communicating with the Lord (Exo. 34:1-4)

  3. Moses’ obedience and commitment to meeting the Lord on Mount Sinai (Exo. 34:1-4)

  4. God’s forgiveness, covenant, and love for His people (Exo. 34:5-10)

Life Application

  1. The purpose of quiet time is to build our relationship with Christ learn more about Him, and grow in His likeness if we neglect our quiet time with Lord, we will find ourselves heading down a road of pain. Let us commit and be consistent in our daily time with God.

  2. Moses chose to meet with God in one of the most challenging times for the nation of Israel. They have sinned against the Lord, yet Moses pursued God’s presence and interceded for His people. May we choose to pursue God’s presence be it in times of need or success.

  3. Our God is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love, and faithful in forgiving our sins. Be aware of these attributes of God as we spend quality time with Him. Remember that there are a lot of things that we are missing in our lives if we don’t spend meaningful time with the Lord daily.



Devoted in My Prayer Life


Esther: Saying Yes to God