Sermon Archives 

GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Time and Gifts

The parable that we are studying tonight will give us a strong counsel to be fruitful by using the gifts that God has graciously given each one of us.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Committed to Discipleship

The Apostle Paul gave us an inspiring model on how to train and encourage others to grow in their Christian faith and life. He also exhorted Timothy to train faithful men who would in turn train others in disciple-making.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Faithful in My Giving

1 Chronicle was written as a word of encouragement to God’s people communicating the glory of what God had done in establishing his kingdom through Kings David and Solomon, in anticipation of what he would one day fulfill in and through the coming Messiah.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Evangelism: Reaching Out to Others

Evangelism is the proclamation of the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ. Its primary aim is to bring a person to the knowledge and faith in Jesus.  Jesus commanded us to reach out to the lost and share with them His unconditional love and saving power.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Committed to Quiet Time

Are you consistent in your daily quiet time with the Lord? Quiet time with the Lord is so vital in our Christian living because it will help us to grow in our personal relationship with Him.

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