Loyal to My Christian Community

A Sermon on Ephesians 4:1-16 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Paul exhorted the church to maintain the unity of the body of Christ by obeying God’s purpose for us and by doing our part in building up His church. He affirmed to us that we are sealed, owned, and indwelt by the same Spirit and that we have one Lord, one common faith, and one baptism.  Because of these, we are all called to be loyal, loving, kind, at peace, and helpful to the church where the Lord called us to serve and grow.


  1. Live a life commendable of our calling (vv.1-6

  2.  God’s grace was given to the Church through Jesus Christ (vv.7-10)

  3. We are charged to embrace our calling, gifting, and purpose to grow and build up the church of Jesus Christ. (vv.11-16)

Life Application

  1.  A healthy church is made up of developing and persevering Christians who are growing in their relationship with the Lord. Let us assess how healthy our spiritual life is right now and how it affects or contributes to the current state of our church.

  2. Ephesians 2:4 says, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." This is a counter-culture message in a society that sometimes rewards bad behavior, fighting, and divisiveness. May we live in this essential way, allowing love to guide our actions as we journey in the community that God gave us.  

  3.  Ask the Lord to guide and lead you on how you will be of service to His church. Be willing to open your heart and resources to building up the Lord’s church.



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