Time and Gifts

A Sermon on Matthew 25:14-30 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The Lord has given us time and gifts for us to thrive and become fruitful in our daily living.  He has given us tools in life so that we could succeed and be good ambassadors for His glory. Jesus used parables in the Scriptures to teach, give us warning, and encourage us so that we may be ready and worthy of Him when He returns.

The parable that we are studying tonight will give us a strong counsel to be fruitful by using the gifts that God has graciously given each one of us. May we learn from the faithful servants who persevered and took the opportunity to serve God through the gifts that were entrusted to them.  


  1. The Lord entrusted us with time, resources, and gifts. (vv.14-18)

  2.  The Lord’s reaction to the servants’ fruitfulness and unproductiveness. (vv. 19-28)

  3. The Lord’s charge to us is to be faithful with our time and gifts as we wait for His return.  (vv.29-30)

Life Application

  1. God has given you time, gifts, abilities, and possessions by which you are to serve Him. We are called to be faithful in using those gifts. How are you nourishing the gifts and talents that the Lord has given you?

  2. God is faithful in giving us all the resources that we need as we follow and obey His will in our lives. May you use God’s blessings and gifts in your life to encourage and reach out to others.  

  3.   This parable will also teach us that we will be held accountable for our actions and faith in the Lord. The wicked servant had done nothing with the talent and time that the Master had given him.  His life was totally unmotivated by the master’s return. His response is not the result of weak faith, but that of unbelief.



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