Jehoshaphat: Thankful Even Under Pressure

A Sermon on 2 Chronicles 20 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Many would say that you would know the character of a person when he/she is under pressure.  When was the last time you are pressed with different circumstances and problems that made you weak, worried, and discouraged? King Jehoshaphat experienced a tremendous threat from the Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites.  These are the nations that would like to invade and conquer them. But Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel displayed their unwavering trust and faith that the Lord will fight and save them from this enormous danger.  Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel chose to pray and worship the Lord in the midst of great pressure and because of this, they witnessed God’s sovereignty and protection upon them.  


  1. King Jehoshaphat and Israel’s enormous threat from their enemies (vv.1-4)

  2. King Jehoshaphat’s acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and goodness to the nation of Israel (vv.5-12)

  3. God’s message of deliverance and protection from the enemies of His people (vv.13-17)

  4. God’s victory was given to King Jehoshaphat and His people because of their worship and gratefulness to God. (vv.18-23)

Life Application

  1. Remember to acknowledge and ask the Lord for guidance if you are experiencing tremendous pressure in your life. God will fight our battles if we are living in the center of His will in our lives.

  2. Choose to worship and acknowledge God’s guidance if you are weak, discouraged, and feeling disheartened. God is our sustainer and He will lead us to a victorious life.

  3. 2 Chronicles 20:13 says, “And all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children.”  King Jehoshaphat and all the people of Judah stood before the Lord and waited patiently for Him to answer them.  Are you patient in waiting for the Lord’s answer to your battles in life?



A Grateful Leper


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