Evangelism: Reaching Out to Others

A Sermon on Acts 17 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Evangelism is the proclamation of the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ. Its primary aim is to bring a person to the knowledge and faith in Jesus.  Jesus commanded us to reach out to the lost and share with them His unconditional love and saving power. The Apostle Paul in Acts 17 modeled to us how to effectively share the gospel in different places and to various audiences. Let us all take heed to Jesus’s command to us to preach the gospel and to live as the salt and light in this dying world.


  1. Thessalonica: Those who resisted God’s Word (vv.1-9)

  2. Berea: Those who received and believed in God’s Word (vv.10-15)

  3. Athens: Those who scorned and disrespected God’s Word (vv.16-21)

  4. Paul’s powerful teachings and declaration about God’s power (vv.22-32)

    a. God is Creator (v.24). Paul declares that one God made it all.

    b. God is Provider (v.25). Paul also declares that there is one God who gives all things.

    c. God is Ruler (vv.26-28). Paul further declares that God is the Supreme Ruler.

    d. God sent a Personal Savior (vv.29-34). Jesus Christ died for our sins, was raised from the dead, and now reigning in this world.

  5. People believed and were changed because of the message of the Gospel. (vv.33-34).

Life Application

  1. Whenever the gospel is preached, people will have different opinions and sentiments.  Let us be reminded that the devil is not happy when we are doing God’s will.  He will do his best to discourage us, distract our attention, and tempt us to selfishly prioritize our own concerns. Let us be faithful in witnessing to others how the Lord freed us from sins and gave us a life that is free to do His will for our lives.

  2.  Berean Christians didn’t just take Paul’s words for it. They went back to the scriptures to confirm that what he is preaching is correct and based on God’s word. Just like them, may we always go back to God’s Word as we discern the teachings that we are bombarded with through social media and in the news.

  3.  The message of Paul is clear: God is our creator, He is our great provider, He is our Supreme Ruler, and He sent His only son Jesus to carry the sins of this world. Let us all give our complete honor and praise to Him through our obedience and service.  



Faithful in My Giving


A Life Dedicated in Worship