Faithful in My Giving

A Sermon on 1 Chronicles 29: 1-20 by Pastor Tyler Graftaas

Watch the sermon here.


When we give money to the church are we tithing? Making an offering? Is it a donation or something different? In our contemporary context with tax benefits for giving to registered Canadian charities (which our churches are), it is easy to get confused about what we are doing when we give money to the church (or other Christian charities). 1 Chronicle was written as a word of encouragement to God’s people communicating the glory of what God had done in establishing his kingdom through Kings David and Solomon, in anticipation of what he would one day fulfill in and through the coming Messiah. As the first Chronicle draws to a close there is a focus on God’s people giving to establish and build the temple where God’s glory would emanate. In other words, giving is a spiritual discipline and it impacts our relationship with God, but we need to be clear about why we are giving, to whom we are giving, and what the benefit of giving truly is.


  1. King David points to Solomon as the one who would lead the building of God’s temple and leads by example in giving (vv. 1-5)

  2. The people respond to King David’s invitation and example and give generously (vv. 6-9)

  3. King David worships through acknowledging his relationship with God (vv. 10-19)

    1. Who God is (vv.10-13): ruler and head over everything.

    2. Who we are (vv.14-15): strangers and hopeless without God

    3. What is God’s (vv.16-17): everything we see and have

    4. We need God (vv.18-19): our hearts stray without him

  4. The people worship (v. 20)

Life Application

  1. When we give to the church (including Christian organizations) it is engaging in the work of what God is doing in and through his people.

  2. Giving is not about offering what is extra, but it is a recognition and practice demonstrating our belief that all we have is God’s and we are called to be stewards of his creation. 

  3. As a Christian, participating in the mission of God is not optional, giving is an act of worship and faithfulness to God as part of the body of Christ.



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