Do All Things for Christ with Thanksgiving

A Sermon on Colossians 3:1-17 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


What are the challenges that the world is throwing at you today that rob you of having a thankful heart towards the Lord?  God’s Word will remind us that God has given us a new nature the moment we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, and this drives us to set our eyes towards the things of God and to live in a manner that pleases the Lord.  

  The Apostle Paul gave us a strong charge that as God’s children, we must turn away from and reject the sinful ways of this world.  He also reminded us that we should embrace our new self that thrives even with life challenges. Moreover, he exhorted us to do all things for Christ with thanksgiving and praise.  


  1. Paul’s encouragement to set your mind on things above. (vv.1-4)

  2. Paul’s counsel to reject and turn away from your old nature. (vv.5-9)

  3. Paul’s charge to embrace and put on Christ-like qualities in your daily living. (vv.10-14)

  4. Paul’s persuasion to do all things for Christ with thanksgiving. (vv.15-17)

Life Application

  1. We live in a world where we are constantly encouraged to promote our own selfish ways. Our generation is molding us to pursue the things that will make us happy and sufficient even though it will lead us to sin and apathy towards the Lord. Let us set our minds on obeying and submitting to the will of God in our lives rather than the pressures of this dying world that we live in.

  2. As Christians, let us make an effort to live a life that is worthy to be called God’s children. Let us clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, understanding, and a forgiving heart towards others.

  3. Let us all be reminded to give thanks to the Lord in all things because it is through Jesus that we are saved and have new life (Acts 4:12).



Grumbling Against God’s Calling


Thankful for The Lord’s Blessings