Grumbling Against God’s Calling

A Sermon on Jonah 1:1-17 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Welcome to our new preaching series on the book of Jonah titled “Obeying God’s Call in My Life”.  One of its goals is for us to be challenged to follow God’s calling in our lives with complete obedience and sincerity of heart.  It is my prayer that all of us will commit to reading, revisiting, and reflecting on prophet Jonah’s encounter with the Lord.

Jonah was a prophet in the Old Testament who disobeyed God’s command because of self-seeking reasons. Jonah was called by the Lord to reach out and preach to the Ninevites to turn away from their sins and evil ways. But he ran away from the Lord because he doesn’t want to reach out to the people who brought destruction and difficulties to his own people.  However, the Lord still moved in his life and at the end, he was able to minister in Nineveh.


Running away from God’s calling will bring dissatisfaction and apathy toward the Lord. (vv.1-3)

  1. Rebellion against God’s will would ruin your life and the people around you. (vv.4-6)  

  2. Disobedience to God leads to trouble and unwanted circumstances in your life. (vv.7-10)

  3. Obeying God leads you to a life of purpose and a great encouragement to others. (vv.11-17)

Life Application

  1. Ask God’s forgiveness if you are living selfishly to gratify your own sinful desires. Allow the Lord to redirect your heart to His will and grant you the desire to follow His Words.

  2. Trust that the Lord's guidance and protection will be upon you whenever you follow His commands and leading in your life.

  3. You will never find completeness, peace, happiness, and satisfaction away from the presence and will of God.  Make Jesus the Lord of your life and ask Him to lead and guide you as you journey in this world.  



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