Learning to Trust God

A Sermon on Joshua 10-11 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Joshua and the whole nation of Israel miraculously crossed the Jordan and conquered the cities of Jericho and Ai. Yet despite these victories, they still needed to be reassured that God was with them. Chapters 10 to 12 of the book of Joshua will show us how the Lord fought and protected them in their battles against the inhabitants of the Southern and Northern parts of Canaan. Joshua and the Israelites have learned to trust the Lord wholeheartedly as they conquer the Promised Land. Because of their trust and obedience, the Lord allowed them to witness His power and protection that led to their victories.  


  1. The Lord’s exceptional favor to Joshua and the Israelites in battle (Joshua 10:6-11)

  2. The Lord’s immediate favourable answer to the prayer of Joshua (Joshua 10:12-15)

  3. The Lord showed the whole nation of Israel that He is more powerful than all the armies of the world (Joshua 11:6-22)

  4. The Lord’s provision of rest and peace to Joshua and the Israelites from battles (Joshua 11:23)

Life Application

  1. The Lord has shown Joshua and the entire nation of Israel His guidance and protection upon them in their battles against great and powerful kings and cities. Indeed, it is a great proof that “if God is for us, who can stand against us? The God who fought for Israel enables us to face all that comes our way. By His power we are "more than conquerors" (Rom. 8:37-39).

  2. Each battle that Israel fought was challenging and faith-stretching, but God prepared them for their next encounters through the lessons of the previous ones. God’s faithfulness to them in the past, encouraged them as they faced their next encounters. He also gave sufficient resources and sufficient grace for their battles at hand. Like them, the Lord will also prepare and sustain each one of us in the battles that we will face and encounter in our lives.

  3. Joshua and the whole Israel’s army displayed their trust and obedience to God in the middle of every battle that they encountered. This is the reason why the Lord gave them victory.Let us also learn to trust and obey God’s commandments as we face our battles in this world.



Love That Glorifies God


Defeat, Confession, and Victory