NOAH: Faithful Obedience to the Lord

A Sermon on Genesis 5:32-6:22 by Pastor Allan Santos


Watch the sermon here.


Welcome to our new preaching series titled “Unswerving Obedience”! One of the goals of this preaching series is for us to witness how biblical characters from the Old Testament and New Testament showed their undying obedience to the Lord despite the challenges and struggles that these people encountered. 

Noah will always be remembered as the person who built an ark and who sailed a worldwide flood. But the Bible will give us more details on how Noah believed, obeyed, and embraced God’s calling to his life. He also walked with God by not living in the ways of his wicked generation. He stood by his faith and lived for God’s glory in spite of the temptations that surrounded him and his family.  


  1. The Wickedness of Man (vv.1-7)

  2. Noah’s faithfulness in the midst of a sinful generation (vv.8-12)

  3. God’s judgement to man’s wickedness (vv.13-17)

  4. God’s covenant with Noah (18-20)

  5. Noah’s unswerving obedience to God (vv.21-22)

Life Application

  1. The wickedness and sin of Noah’s generation were enormous and concerning. We could also be seeing this in our current generation. How are you making a stand in your faith in God that enables you to not imitate the wrong and unpleasant ways of this world?

  2. Noah found favour in God’s sight because of his obedience and faith.  Noah’s ark-building required faith, because he didn’t understand what a worldwide flood would look like. But Noah believed in the Lord’s message, and he responded by humbling himself and obeying God’s commands and purpose. Are you obeying God in your life today even if it seems difficult and faith- stretching?



ABRAHAM: Do Not Be Afraid to Live for God’s Calling


Thinking Spiritual Thoughts