Thinking Spiritual Thoughts

A Sermon on Philippians 4:8-23 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The apostle Paul ended the book of Philippians by exhorting the believers to think of godly spiritual thoughts that will help them to be faithful witnesses of Jesus. He also explained how Christians can overcome worry and worldly desires, regardless of their circumstances. Paul also thanked the Philippians for their generosity and expressed his confidence that God will bless them for it.  


  1. Love God with your mind (v.8)

    a.  Think True – reality, godly

    b.  Think Honorable – worthy of honor

    c.  Think Just – righteous or right in God’s sight

    d.  Think Pure – clean

    e.  Think what is Lovely – beautiful, enjoyable

    f.   Think what is Commendable – good character, worthy of imitation

  2. Be persistent in your obedience to God (v.9)

  3. Think of God’s faithfulness in meeting your needs (vv.10-13)

  4. Think of how to be of help and a blessing to others (vv.14-20)

Life Application:

  1. Paul said that he had genuine contentment with whatever situation he is experiencing in his life (Phil.4:12-13). Genuine contentment comes from being in a right relationship with the Lord, not from gaining material things that we think will make us happy. Are you happy and content with how the Lord is providing in your life?

  2. Let us obey God’s command to us by being a source of blessing and help to those people who are in need. May we open our hearts, minds, and hands willingly for God’s glory.

  3. Paul urged the Philippian Church to practice the Christianity that he did. He preached the gospel to them, taught them Christian doctrines, and lived as a good example of a child of God. Are you living a victorious Christian life? If so, the peace coming from the Lord shall be with you.



NOAH: Faithful Obedience to the Lord


The Imitation of Paul