Obeying Without Complaining

A Sermon on Philippians 2:12-30 by Pastor Allan Santos


Watch the sermon here.


The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippian Church to live an authentic Christian life by demonstrating their attitude of unwavering obedience to God. This church also experienced relationship issues and probably, differences in ministry perspective. However, Paul reminded them to imitate Jesus’ humility and act of selfless service. He also shared the modelling of Timothy and Epaphroditus of their love for the Lord by serving God’s people even in difficulties, sickness, and need. May we all see, appreciate and imitate the complete obedience of these saints.


  1. The Importance of Obedience (vv.12-13)

  2. The Result of Obedience: Submission and Healthy Communication (vv.14-18)

  3. Models of Devoted and Loving Obedience (vv.19-30)

    a) Timothy’s selfless service (vv.19-24

    b) Epaphroditus’ unwavering obedience (vv.25-30)

Life Application

  1. Every believer should periodically perform self-examination. Do you really love God? Do you have a lifestyle of obedience? Do you have a passion for the lost? Is your life typified by hatred of sin and a desire for holiness? Are you repentant when you sin? These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself when you examine your spiritual condition.

  2. The Apostle Paul urged us to do all things without grumbling or disputing. He is speaking about God’s children’s perspective of serving one another and others in humility and with sincerity. How is your attitude towards your family, church people and people at your work? Are you communicating and serving pleasantly with these people in your life?

  3. Timothy and Epaphroditus ministered to God’s people with sincerity, selflessness, and humility. These remarkable qualities and attitudes sprang up because of their love for the Lord. May we constantly remind ourselves that the more we know and love God deeply, the more it will be easier for us to understand and minister to people.



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