Pressing On and Living for Jesus

A Sermon on Philippians 3:1-14 by Pastor Allan Santos


Watch the sermon here.


The Apostle Paul reminded the church at Philippi to set their eyes on Jesus whenever they experience persecution and oppression because of their commitment to the gospel’s truth. In Philippians Chapter 3, we will see Paul’s spiritual resume, among others - yet he considered all his qualifications and achievements as rubbish, compared with his present position as a child and servant of Jesus Christ. His goal is to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. He wants to also share in His sufferings, becoming like Him in his death.


  1. Look out for mistaken Spiritual Standards (vv.2-4)

  2. Paul’s outstanding credentials (vv.5-6)

  3. Paul’s motivation was to know, proclaim and glorify Jesus in his life (vv.5-11)

  4. Pressing on and living for God’s purpose (vv.12-14)

Life Application

  1. The Apostle Paul reminded the church in Philippi to “rejoice”. Even though Paul was in prison and the church in Philippi was experiencing persecution, relational issues and they were battling false teachers, they were encouraged by Paul to rejoice because God is in control and sovereign. What are the things that are robbing you of your joy today?

  2. Paul’s motto and goal in life is “to live for Christ”. He was not preoccupied with his achievements, successes or even riches of this world. Are you following the world’s motto today, which is to live for your self and to experience things that would make you happy no matter what it takes? Or are you committed to living for Christ and obeying His purpose for your life?



The Imitation of Paul


Obeying Without Complaining