Be The Good Samaritan

A Sermon on Luke 10:25-37 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


How do you help and show your compassion to the people who need care, encouragement, and resources in these times of difficulties and pandemic? There is a story in the Gospel of Luke where a lawyer asked Jesus a couple of questions to test Him. His first question was about how to be saved and have eternal life. The second question focused on who our neighbor is. Jesus answered those questions by telling a parable that will help us know the principles on how to care for others who are in need.


  1. Let us not turn our back from people who are in need. (vv.25-32)

  2. May we open and use our eyes, heart and hands to help people who are in need. (vv.33-35)

  3. Jesus’ call and challenge for us to be a good Samaritan. (vv.36-37)

Life Application: 

  1. God’s intention for us is to love him with all that we have and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. How are you following God’s great commandment to us as His children?

  2. This parable will help us understand that our neighbor is not necessarily the person we like, but the person who is in need. How do you show God’s love to others who are in need especially in this time of pandemic?

  3. The good Samaritan ignored and disregarded his difference in race from the person that he helped. Even though he was considered a “Reviled Samaritan,” he rose above such shallowness to care for a fellow human being. How are we accepting and showing people from different nationalities?

  4. How could your family be a good Samaritan to people in need this coming Christmas? Do you know people or group of people who need your help? 



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