Costs and Gains as Jesus’ Disciples

A Sermon on Luke 14:25-35 by Pastor Shafer Parker

Watch the sermon here.


The enduring question is, will you pay the price to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?


  1. The call of Christ is a call to discipleship, not a call to heaven (v.26).

  2. Discipleship is an intensely personal walk with Christ (v.26).

  3. Discipleship is an intensely purposeful walk with God (vv. 27-33).
    Having entered a personal walk with Christ, you know you never want it to end. Here is where we measure costs vs gains.

  4. Discipleship grows out of an intensely powerful work of God (vv. 33-35).

Your Personal Call: 

  • Have you wrestled with Christ’s call to follow Him?

  • Have you considered the cost?

  • Have you endured the shock of going to war against your own inclinations?

  • Have you won the battle and determined to be Jesus’ disciple to the end of your days?



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