JOHN THE BELOVED: Living in the Light

A Sermon on 1 John 1:5-2:11 by Pastor Allan Santos

Sermon Posts - Sept 4 2021.png

Watch the sermon here.


John the Beloved was one of the twelve Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was also a prominent and well-respected leader in the early Christian church. John was a fisherman along with his brother James.  He was also part of Jesus Christ’s inner core that has seen Jesus’ transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13).  Before Jesus died on the cross, He asked John to take care of His mother, Mary. 

John displayed his unswerving obedience to Jesus even in those challenging times of persecution of the early church. He lived and committed himself to loving Jesus and serving His church. Let us study and reflect on John’s teachings that he exhorted Christians to do and obey. 


  1. Jesus’ message is that God is light, and believers should walk in the light. (vv. 5-7)

  2. John’s plea for Christians to be submissive and to obey God’s commandments. (John 2:1-6)

  3. John’s charge to not reject God’s truth and not to remain in sinning (John 2:7-11)

Life Application 

  1. Many claims that they are under Jesus’ lordship. Yet, they do not seem to be committed to knowing and serving Him. To call ourselves disciples, believers, and children of Jesus, our lives must reflect Him in how we conduct ourselves.

  2. As God’s children, we are commanded to walk in His light no matter what kind of situation we are facing. Walking in God’s light means that we are enjoying our fellowship and relationship with the Lord and that we do not delight with sin in our lives.

  3. John the Beloved modeled to us a life that is committed to serving and obeying Jesus. He devoted and dedicated his life to God by heeding His call and life’s purpose. May we all be inspired to do the same, knowing that everything done for the glory of God will not be in vain.



Faith: Jesus at the Center


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