Faith: Jesus at the Center

A Sermon on Ephesians 1:11-23 by Pastor Allan Santos


Watch the sermon here.


Welcome to our new preaching series entitled, “Growing in our Christian Virtues.”  The aim of this preaching series is for us to be affirmed that as God’s children, we are called to embrace our identity in Christ and to nurture our Christian character. In this series, we will begin studying the inner virtues of faith, hope and love that will propel us to act and display forgiveness, integrity, courage, and perseverance.  

Let us begin our study on how to have a faith that is centered in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul gave us a powerful reason in the book of Ephesians on why we should put Jesus at the center of our faith and life. 


  1. We are guaranteed and secured of eternal life because of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross (vv.11-14)

  2. Our faith in Jesus should be established and should lead us to help and serve others (vv.15-17)

  3. Jesus’ authority, power and work are recognized and declared (vv.18-23)

Application from God’s Word: 

  1. Just like the believers in Ephesians, we must put our faith in Jesus because He is our Savior and Lord. Faith is necessary to each one of us because without it, we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). How is your faith in God today?

  2. All of us are living in this sinful and fallen world and facing difficulties and trials are certain. But our faith is what helps us remain strong during challenging times. We also have an enemy that will lure us with different temptations. Yet it is our faith that acts as a shield to protect us from his schemes. (Ephesians 6:16)

  3. The reality of our lives as believers is that we have received the promised Holy Spirit who equips us for godly living, brings encouragement and enables transformation in our lives. God is faithful in giving us strength when our faith is decreasing.



Hope: God is the Source of Our Confidence


JOHN THE BELOVED: Living in the Light