Samuel: Hearing & Heeding God’s Voice

A Sermon on 1 Samuel 3 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Samuel’s name means “Heard by God” in Hebrew, and this is so true in his life. He listened to God’s voice, and he willingly submitted to it. As a child, he responded to God’s call with unswerving obedience. In his ministry as a priest and prophet, he aided the people of Israel in learning how to hear the voice of God clearly. How would you rate yourself and our church family at ‘listening to the Lord’? It is my prayer that all of us will be challenged and will commit to giving our undivided attention to God’s voice in our lives.


  1. Samuel, at first was unable to recognize the voice of the Lord (vv.1-6)

  2. Eli’s counsel for Samuel to listen to God’s voice (vv.8-9)

  3. The Lord’s calling and hard-hitting message to Samuel (vv.10-14)

  4. Samuel conveyed God’s plan for Eli’s household (vv.15-18)

  5. God’s presence, blessing, and protection were bestowed to Samuel as he heeded God’s voice. (vv.19-21)

Life Application

  1. May we be attentive as we hear the voice of God in our lives because we are prone to not recognize His voice. Most of the time, we are too busy to hear God’s voice because we are more in tune with the world.

  2. Eli’s relationship with the Lord grew cold and distant because of sin. Eli did not restrain his sons from blaspheming the name of the Lord (1 Samuel 2:3-17). As God’s children, may we be repentant of our sins and let us not allow ourselves and our family to turn away from the Lord.

  3. Like Samuel, we must come before God as humble servants, obeying His word without reluctance, and questioning in our hearts and minds. How are you following God’s word in your life today? Are you committed to applying it in your daily living?



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