Jesus, Our Saviour is Born

A Sermon on Galatians 4:4-5 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Some Christians will say that we are overly familiar with the story of Christmas because we are hearing it every single year.  However, I steadfastly believe that this story is so foundational in our faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ. The story of the birth of Jesus will give us many reasons to praise and adore His great love and sacrifice for all of us.   

God the Father gave us His begotten Son, Jesus as the expression of His unconditional love for us.  Jesus showed His love to us by becoming human and experiencing hardship and death on the cross so that we could be saved and have everlasting life. 


  1. God fulfilled His promise to humanity by allowing Jesus to be born in this world. (Gal. 4:4-5; Titus 2:11-14)

  2. Simeon obeyed God’s Word in waiting for Jesus (Luke 2:25-35)

  3. Prophetess Anna dedicated her life to worshipping the Lord and longed to see the redemption of God’s people. (Luke 2:36-38)

  4. Jesus was born to be our Saviour and to lead us to a meaningful life with God. (John 3:16-21)

Responding to God’s Word:

  1. Simeon was sure that Jesus was coming to save people.  Like Simeon, let us wait patiently for God’s answers to our prayers and let us believe the word of the Lord and put our confidence in it.

  2. Prophetess Anna did not focus on her life’s struggle as a widow.  Instead, she dedicated her life in worshipping the Lord in the temple night and day.  She saw the importance of prayer and fasting, and she longed to see the redemption of the people of God. 

  3. Jesus came into this world so that we may receive God’s gift of eternal life.  Jesus gave His own life as a ramson for our sins so that we will be forgiven.  If you have not done so yet, decide to accept the Lord Jesus in your life today. I could assure you that that is the best decision you could ever make in your life.



A Grateful Heart for God’s Blessings


A Courageous Christmas