God’s Call & God’s Promises

A Sermon on Joshua 1:1-18 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Happy New Year, brethren! Undeniably, the Lord has been good and faithful to each one of us in the year that has passed. Despite the challenges of Covid-19 for almost two years now, we have seen how the Lord protected and sustained and how He continues to bless us each day.  

Our Church’s theme for 2022 is “Courageous Living” with the aim of seizing every opportunity to reach out to those who need Jesus Christ, and to be courageous as we strive to elevate our spiritual growth, nourish our relationships, and be strong in handling challenges in the race of life. And in line with our theme, our first preaching series for this year is titled “Courageous Living: The Power of God’s Promises”.  This preaching series will teach and inspire us to imitate how Joshua has lived courageously when he led the Israelites in claiming the Promised Land. The Lord gave His promise to Joshua and the Israelites that they will be successful in conquering the Promised Land with His protection, guidance, and leading, on the condition that they will obey His Words and not turn away from them.  


  1. God’s Calling and Promise to Joshua and the Israelites (vv. 1-5)

  2. God’s charge to Joshua and the People of Israel to be “strong and courageous” (vv.6-9)

  3. Joshua’s courageous obedience to God’s command (vv.10-11) 

  4. Joshua’s bold and authentic relationship with the Israelites (vv.12-18)

Life Application: 

  1. God’s promises are true and will always be fulfilled because He is sovereign in all things. Without His power working in us and through us, we will not be able to accomplish anything. Wherever God calls us, He will always provide. He provides us with power, strength, skill, knowledge, wisdom, and endurance.  

  2. God’s Word is the path for our success. Without His word in our lives, we will be lost.  May we be careful to do everything written in it, not just some of it. Live our lives according to God’s Word and we will see His wonderful works in our lives. 

  3. Trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness that He will sustain, protect, and guide us this year.



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