Who Will Serve the Lord?

A Sermon on Joshua 24:1-33 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The Lord instructed and commanded Joshua and the entire Israelite nation to obey and submit to God’s plan and strategies to conquer the Promised Land.  They followed God but there were situations that some of them committed sin, which resulted to the Lord’s punishment of the entire clan. Yet, most of them still wholeheartedly submit to God’s leading. In the last chapter of Joshua, God’s love, protection, and power had taken hold of the hearts of the Israelites. As a result, they served God out of devotion and love. Joshua and his entire family chose to serve and live for God till the end.  He then continued to challenge the nation of Israel to do likewise.


  1. Joshua reminded the Israelites of God’s love, sovereignty, grace and sustenance as they journeyed to the Promised Land. (vv.1-13)

  2. Joshua’s exhortation and challenge to choose, serve and be loyal to God. (vv.14-21)

  3. Israel’s decision to obey and be loyal to God (vv.22-27)

  4. Joshua’s great influence on his people until his death. (vv.29-33)

Life Application

  1. Joshua demonstrated to us how to live a courageous life. He led the Israelites to renew their faith in the Lord and to fear the Lord (Joshua 24:14). Fearing the Lord means believing that He is sovereign and more important than anyone or anything else in our lives. If we properly fear the Lord, we don’t have to be afraid of what humans, governments, or nature can do to us.

  2. Joshua and the entire nation of Israel chose to commit to serve and honour God as they journeyed in this world.  Are you committed to serve and honour God in your life?  How committed are you in being loyal to God rather than to this sinful world?

  3. God demonstrated His power, grace, and love to Israel. He has been faithful since the start of their journey till the end.  Likewise, the Lord is faithful and will always be faithful in protecting and sustaining you for the rest of your life. 



A Life Devoted to God


Joshua’s Godly Advice