End Times: The Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

A Sermon on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:1-11; Matthew 24:3-13 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Do you think and care about Jesus’ second coming? As a follower of Jesus Christ, do you believe that we should anticipate His coming with joy and excitement or with fear and trembling? I am fully convinced that we should eagerly anticipate and persevere to live a worthy life while waiting for that glorious day when we finally see Jesus face-to-face.

The Apostle Paul gave a detailed account of Jesus’ second coming so that the believers in Thessalonica would be encouraged to put their hope in Him. He also charged them to be committed to building each other in the knowledge and service of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus’ teaching on His second coming (Matt. 24:3-11)

  • The signs of Jesus’ return (vv.3-9)

  • The rise of false prophets and chaos (vv.10-12)

  • The Gospel will be preached to all nations (vv. 13-14)

The Comfort of the Lord Jesus’ Coming (4:13-18)

  • We have hope in the return of Jesus (v.13)

  • Present believers and those believers who had already died will be with Jesus (vv.14-15)

  • Jesus will descend from heaven and will meet us in the air (vv.16-18)

The Circumstances of the Lord Jesus’ Return (5:1-10)

  • The day of the Lord is like a thief in the night. (v.2)

  • Christians must persevere until the coming of the Lord (vv.4-6)

  • Be vigilant in living the Christian life (vv.8-10)

The Commitment to Build and Encourage One Another (5:11)

Life Applications

  1. Let us be watchful and committed to teaching our present and future generations to put on the armor of God as we wait for Jesus’ second coming.

  2. Put your complete trust and hope in the Lord even if life is uncertain and full of darkness.  Let us be grateful for Jesus’ love, faithfulness, and His promise of living with Him forever. 

  3. Commit to being an encourager and a source of light to others as we live in this challenging time. May we be ready and passionate to explain and lead people to the good news of salvation thru Jesus Christ alone.



Jesus is Alive and Sovereign


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