Jesus is Alive and Sovereign

A Sermon on Matthew 28:1-10 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The last week of Jesus’ life here on earth was full of irony and challenges.  We will see in the gospels that people joined together in praising and celebrating His works. But after that day He was ridiculed, beaten, criticized, and hanged on the cross. However, Jesus’ mission in this world was triumphant and glorious. Jesus had defeated death and He redeemed us from all our sins. He resurrected and ascended to heaven, and we are awaiting His second coming. 


  1. Jesus was honored and celebrated before His crucifixion. (John 12:12-19)

  2. Jesus was ridiculed, beaten, and underhandedly judged by the people. (John 19:1-7)

  3. Jesus was crucified and died (Luke 23:44-49)

  4. Jesus resurrected and is alive, sovereign, and seated on His throne in heaven. (Matthew 28:1-10; Hebrews 1:1-3)

Life Applications

  1. 1. Jesus endured and embraced the hardship and pains of the cross for us to be forgiven and accepted by God. Knowing that Jesus endured and embraced God’s purpose for His life, will you also follow His modeling and trust the Lord’s plan and purpose for your life? Will you stand for and depend on God even if you need to experience difficulties, suffering, and judgment from others? 

    2. Jesus demonstrated His sovereignty by conquering and defeating death.  The resurrection gives us the joy of knowing that Christ is with us today.  Jesus knows you and He cares for you and everything that is happening in your life.  

    3.  Jesus is seated on His throne in heaven, and He is in control of everything that is happening in this present and rebellious world. Let us submit to His authority and lordship in our lives. He is faithful and good in guiding and sustaining us.  



Pleasing God in our Daily Living


End Times: The Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ