God’s Glory

A Sermon on Exodus 33:12-34:10 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


God’s glory is His eternal splendor and majesty. It describes the manifestation of His greatness and mighty attributes. Glorifying God is an important part of our daily Christian walk. It is when we express our gratitude and worship to our great God.  

In Chapter 33 of Exodus, we will see how Moses pled and prayed to the Lord for His presence and led to go with the Israelites as they travel to the Promised Land. Moreover, Chapter 34 will describe to us God’s unconditional love for the people of Israel when He promised Moses that He will do mighty acts so that all the people will know that He is the God who is guiding and leading Israel as a nation.  The Lord affirmed His presence and faithfulness to Moses and the Israelites in their journey toward the Promised Land.  


  1. Moses pleaded for God’s presence, provision, and security as they journey to the promised land. (Gen. 33:12-16)

  2. Moses requested to see and experience God’s glory (Gen. 33:17-23)

  3. God’s glory and attributes were revealed to Moses (Gen. 34:1-9)

  4. God’s covenant of faithfulness and powerful acts was given to Moses and the Israelites. (Gen. 34:10)

Life Applications

  1. Ask the Lord for forgiveness if you are journeying alone in your life without God’s guidance. May we all acknowledge our need of God’s direction in our daily living so that we will experience peace and rest in this challenging world that we live in.

  2. One of the benefits of experiencing God’s glory is a changed heart.  Moses got to see the true nature of God. He learned that God was long-suffering, loving, patient, and kind. This revelation made Moses fall to his knees and worship God.  

  3. God’s faithfulness and goodness were established in the lives of His people. Just like how God executed His mighty works in the lives of His saints in the Bible, He will still accomplish it in our generation. May we all depend on and acknowledge God’s mighty work in our lives. 



God’s Faithful Servant


Our Sovereign God