Sermon Archives 

GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

A Humble Servant of God

This parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector will convict us to check our attitude towards God and the people around us.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

God’s Extreme Mercy

This will help us understand and appreciate God’s heart in forgiving and freeing us from the bondage of sin.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Facing Temptation

This passage will clearly teach us that if we are not faithful in keeping the commandments of God, we can make mistakes that will dramatically change the direction of our lives and will bring harmful consequences to ourselves and others.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

God’s Promise to David

God’s promise does not depend on the righteousness of people but on His righteousness and perfect will. This passage will help us understand God’s faithfulness and goodness to Israel and to his chosen servant, King David.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

The Lord Looks at the Heart

Welcome to our new preaching series on the life of King David. The title of our new series is “David: The Heart of A faithful Servant.” This preaching series will challenge us to make our hearts clean, submissive to God, godly, and committed to serving Him.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

The Lord is King

Daniel chapter 4 will introduce us to one of the most powerful and richest kings in the Old Testament.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Pleasing God

How do you please and glorify God in your daily living? Can we please God by looking spiritually healthy outside but empty inside our hearts and minds?

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

God is Love

This truth is the main message of 1st John Chapter 4 as it exhorts us to show our love for our family, brethren, and friends if we indeed know and live for Christ.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

The Spirit and the Son

Our passage today will shed light to us about the relationship of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit during Jesus’ ministry here on earth.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

The Father and the Son

How would you describe your relationship with your earthly father? Do you experience love and sometimes challenging relationships with him?

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

God’s Glory

This series will teach and affirm us of God’s power, supremacy, and presence in our lives. May all of us be encouraged and affirmed that He is in control of our lives each day.

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GCF Calgary GCF Calgary

Our Sovereign God

This series will teach and affirm us of God’s power, supremacy, and presence in our lives. May all of us be encouraged and affirmed that He is in control of our lives each day.

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