The Lord is King

A Sermon on Daniel 4:1-37 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Our great God is sovereign and powerful. He is our great Lord that could make the powerful kings and leaders of this world humble and submit to His authority. Daniel chapter 4 will introduce us to one of the most powerful and richest kings in the Old Testament.  He is King Nebuchadnezzar, the proud king of Babylon that flaunted his golden image and desired to be worshipped and adored by people. However, the Lord had a different plan for him, so that he will be humbled and make him acknowledge God as the only great King. 


  1. Nebuchadnezzar’s acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty (vv.1-3)

  2. The Lord’s power was demonstrated to Nebuchadnezzar’s prideful heart (vv. 10-18; 19-27)

  3. The Lord’s punishment for a self-centered and arrogant king (vv.31-33)

  4. The humbled king’s worship and declaration of honor to a loving and powerful God who is our great King! (vv. 34-37)

Life Applications

  1. May we never desire to be independent from God nor seek self-glorification just like King Nebuchadnezzar.  We are nothing apart from our great King, Lord, and Father.  May we submit to God’s authority in our everyday living. 

  2. As the Lord revealed himself to King Nebuchadnezzar, so He also reveals Himself to us through the Bible, our daily life situations, and the people He sends to give us His message.  Let us be sensitive to the Lord’s message and leading to us each day. 

  3. Daniel honored the Lord as his King by allowing himself to be used by God to interpret the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar.  Just like Daniel, may we be available to God’s missions and purpose for our lives.  Let us be faithful servants in God’s Kingdom here on earth.  



Jesus’ Message to Untransformed Hearts


Pleasing God