Pleasing God

A Sermon on Matthew 6:1-15;19-24 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


How do you please and glorify God in your daily living?  Can we please God by looking spiritually healthy outside but empty inside our hearts and minds?  Jesus in Matthew chapter 6 exposed the hypocrisy of people who believe that they are spiritually right with God, but deep inside they experience indifference towards God. Let us learn from Jesus’ teachings on how we could please Him in our daily lives.  


  1. Give for God’s glory, not for personal recognition (vv.1-4)

  2. Persistent prayer that comprehends God’s power and authority (vv.5-13)

  3. Granting forgiveness to people who hurt us the same way as God forgives us (vv.14-15)

  4. We should treasure our relationship with God and prioritize our service to Him (vv.19-24)

Life Applications

  1. Jesus taught us the correct way of practicing out righteous deeds.  We are to do them privately to be seen by the Father, not publicly to be seen by men.  Do you have personal agenda when you help people, or are you doing it solely for God’s glory?

  2. The Lord commands us to forgive others.  Vengeance should not be our intention; it belongs to God (Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19).  Does unforgiveness towards others affect your Christian life and happiness?  God will be glorified when we forgive others for Jesus’ sake.

  3. How does wealth, consumerism, and modern trends of this world affect your commitment and loyalty to the Lord?  Will you strive to honor God more rather than focusing on yourself and pleasing others?



The Lord is King


God is Love