The Spirit and the Son

A Sermon on John 15:26–16:15 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Our passage today will shed light to us on the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit during Jesus’ ministry here on earth.  God the Father and the Son (Jesus Christ) sent the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the gospel of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit will convict the people of their sins.  He will guide and lead believers to obey the mission of Jesus in this world.  Furthermore, the Holy Spirit will help us learn more about God’s will in our lives and will keep us in our faith in God. 


  1. The Holy Spirit and the disciples’ mission in bearing witness for Jesus. (vv.26-27)

  2. Enduring persecution is part of our Christian witness to this sinful world. (vv.1-4)

  3. Jesus’ teaching on the works of the Holy Spirit. (vv.5-15)

  4. The Holy Spirit verifies the guilt of the world (vv.8-11)

  5. The Holy Spirit provides guidance for God’s people (vv.12-13)

  6. The Holy Spirit upholds the glory of Jesus Christ (vv.14-15)

Life Applications

  1. We have all the reasons to rejoice because Jesus did not leave us alone. The Person of the Holy Spirit was given to guide us, to empower us to live victoriously, and remind us of what we have learned from the Scriptures. Let us praise the Lord for the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Jesus revealed to His disciples that they will experience different kinds of persecution and challenges in following Him.  However, He exhorted them not to let their hearts be troubled nor let it be fearful because He will be with them. How do these words of Christ give you comfort in your present situation? What are your troubles and fears today? Would you allow the peace and comfort of the Lord to rule your life?



God is Love


The Father and the Son