The Father and the Son

A Sermon on John 13:31 - 14:11 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


How would you describe your relationship with your earthly father?  Do you experience love and sometimes challenging relationships with him?  Our earthly fathers are not perfect, but I do believe that they expressed and showed their love by raising us and providing for us to the best of their ability.  

Jesus, in our passage today, will explain to His disciples how He glorifies the Father by submitting to His will and purpose for His life. Jesus revealed to the disciples that He will be with them a little while longer and that where He is going, they could not come. This is the reason why the disciples were afraid and troubled.  However, Jesus exhorted them not to be afraid because He will be going to the Father and will be preparing a place for them. Afterward, the Father will glorify Jesus through His resurrection and ascension to heaven.


  1. Jesus will be glorified by the Father and His commandment of love. (vv.31-35)

  2. Jesus’ revelation of Peter’s denial of Him. (vv.36-38)

  3. Jesus’ challenge to His disciples to believe in Him and the Father. (John 14:1-4)

  4. Jesus and the Father are one, united and sovereign. (John 14:5-11)

Life Applications

  1. Jesus told His disciples to not let their hearts be troubled because of His departure and encouraged them to trust Him and the Father.  Jesus did not promise them that their troubles will be gone. Instead, He assured them that He will be with them in the midst of their troubles.  May we always put our trust in Jesus whenever our hearts are in trouble? 

  2. Just like Peter, it is easy to be bold and courageous for the Lord when we’re among Christian peers. But the true test of our faith is when we are in a difficult situation and when it is easy to compromise with the world rather than stand up for our faith.  May we always choose to live for God than to compromise with the ways of this world? 

  3. Jesus modeled to us a life that is connected and submissive to His Father’s will.  May we all follow His lead to submit to the authority and will of the Father in our lives. How are you in terms of your obedience to the will of God in your life?



The Spirit and the Son


God’s Faithful Servant