Facing Temptation
A Sermon on 2 Samuel 11:1-27 by Pastor Allan Santos
Watch the sermon here.
The story of King David and Bathsheba is full of drama, tragedy, lust, deceit, and critical consequences. This passage will clearly teach us that if we are not faithful in keeping the commandments of God, we can make mistakes that will dramatically change the direction of our lives and will bring harmful consequences to ourselves and others. Let us learn and be warned from this challenging part of David’s life in order for us to not displease God in our lives.
David yielded to temptation and immorality (vv.1-5)
David’s attempted to hide and cover up his sins (vv.6-13)
David murdered Uriah (vv.14-21)
The Lord was displeased with David’s wickedness (vv.26-27)
Life Applications:
King David had a lot of opportunities to run and guard himself when he saw Bathsheba bathing on the roof. The passage implies that he developed lustful feelings towards her and pursued his lustful passion towards Bathsheba because “the woman was very beautiful” (2 Samuel 11:2-3). In times of temptation, we should stop, guard our eyes and mind, and remember the commandments of the Lord.
Our passage clearly describes how the Lord had been displeased with David’s sin and deception of the people that he should be serving as a king. How about you, are you honoring the Lord in your life, or is God displeased with how you live your lives every day?
The Lord has given us freedom from the compulsion and destruction of sin, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. In repentance and surrender to the Holy Spirit, we became free from the bondage of sin and we were given the power to live for the Lord our God and serve Him daily.