God’s Extreme Mercy

A Sermon on 2 Samuel 12:1-25 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The Lord sent Prophet Nathan to rebuke and convict King David of his sins against the Lord when he took Bathsheba and killed her husband Uriah.  Indeed, the Lord is so serious about sin because we are not only harming ourselves, but we are also damaging our relationship with God and others.  However, our passage today will help us understand and appreciate God’s heart in forgiving and freeing us from the bondage of sin.  King David was restored by the Lord because of his acknowledgment and sincere repentance of his sin towards the Lord. God’s mercy and grace are always available to God’s children as they submit fully to the Lord.  


  1. The Lord sent Nathan to rebuke and convict David (vv.1-7a)

  2. The Lord reminds King David of His calling and blessings (vv.7b-10)

  3. The Lord allowed consequences in King David’s life because of his sins. (vv.11-12)

  4. The Lord forgave King David (vv.13-14)

  5. The Lord showed and extended His mercy and love to King David’s son, Solomon (vv.24-25)

Life Lessons:

  1. King David listened and accepted Prophet’s Nathan declaration of his sins to the Lord. He did not deny or disregard the sins he committed against Bathsheba, Uriah and especially to the Lord.  Just like King David, may we follow and submit to God’s discipline and wake up call in our lives.

  2. King David’s life is the prime example in the Scriptures of how God works through weak, frail, and sinful persons, like you and me, to accomplish His purpose. May we all be willing and available as God will use our lives to encourage others and set a godly example to others. How is the Lord shaping your life today? Are you allowing Him to use your life to encourage others?

  3. The Lord is so gracious and merciful in bestowing forgiveness for all our sins if we’ll sincerely repent. He forgives us of our sins even though we don’t deserve it. God made us alive and gave us freedom from the bondage of sin (Ephesians 2:4-5)


Healing by the Power of Jesus


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