A Heart that is Godly

A Sermon on 1 Samuel 24 by Pastor Tyler Graftaas

Watch the sermon here.


As soon as he was anointed David became the target of Saul’s jealous pride and insecure heart. And yet, in an opportunistic moment where he could have ended the ongoing hiding and fear for his life, David cuts off the corner of Saul’s robe, instead of cutting out Saul’s heart. David was far from a perfect person, and definitely not a perfect king, but he had a heart that was godly and there is much we can learn from him.

A Heart that is Godly:

  1. Every heart is torn (vv. 1-7)

  2. A godly heart is humble (vv. 8-15)

  3. A godly heart transforms (vv. 16-21)

  4. A godly heart forgives (vv. 22)

Life Applications:

  1. Saul protects Israel on the one hand and goes after David on the other. David cuts off Saul’s robe and then is stricken with guilt for disobeying God’s command. There is a never-ending battle within each one of us between our desire for good and evil.

  2. Despite David being anointed as king over Israel, he recognized Saul’s previous anointing and trusted God to put him on the throne in his proper time. A fortuitous opportunity can be a sheep in wolf’s clothing. We have to be guided by the word and Spirit of God.

  3. God’s timing and his ways do not always make sense, but to follow him is to trust him in all circumstances and with all people including our family, our friends, our coworkers, our neighbours, and those who oppose us.


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