Overflowing Joy of A Child of God

A Sermon on John 15:1-17by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


How does being a child of God affect your happiness and fulfillment in life?  We as His children were called to bear fruit, which means that we committed our lives to loving and following Jesus and His words. We find joy in living for Him and accomplishing His will in our lives. 



Jesus, in His last “I Am” statement in the Gospel of John spoke of Himself as the true vine.  Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. If we are living in good union with Jesus, we are sure that we will be fruitful in our lives. This passage will help us realize that for us to experience the overflowing joy in our Christian life, we must:  

  1. Accept God’s pruning in our life. (vv.1-3)

  2. Abide in God’s command for us to bear lasting fruit. (vv.4-6)

  3. Be committed and devoted to learning and loving the Scriptures. (vv.7-8)

  4. Remain in Christ’s love by loving one another and so bear much fruit. (vv.9-15)

  5. Act as a disciple who bears fruit and follows God’s way. (vv.16-17)

Life Challenges:

  1. Allow and accept the Lord’s pruning in your life. The Lord knows the things that we need to undergo and endure so that He could redirect us in following His purposes in our lives.  

  2. Detach yourself from the deception of worldly desires. Desire and persevere in following God’s way and commandments because this will lead us to a life that has fulfillment and peace. 

  3. Aim to be fruitful and joyous in your everyday living. Allow other believers to remind and encourage you to walk rightly in your Christian life.  



A Heart that is Godly


The Battle is the Lord’s