Wisemen’s Commitment to Worship Jesus

A Sermon on Matthew 2:1-12 by Pastor Tyler Graftaas

Watch the sermon here.


Although likely occurring a couple of years after his birth, the visit of the magi (wisemen) is always linked with Jesus’ birth narrative, and for good reason. His birth drives foreign scholars to leave home seeking the fulfilment of Jewish prophecy, not for the spectacle it was, but to worship and pay homage to the one-born king of the Jews. These wisemen are driven by the joy, wonder, and commitment to worship the one they seek. And so, in the midst of planning pageants and singing carols, feasting and exchanging gifts, traveling to be with the ones we most love, let’s examine our own hearts to see who or what we are really committed to


  1. The Magi come to Jerusalem seeking Jesus (vv.1-2)

  2. Herod learns of the prophecy of the Messiah and protects his own interests (vv.3-8)

  3. The Magi see Jesus and worship him in reverence and offering (vv.9-11)

  4. The Magi return home by another route in obedience to a divine vision (v.12)

Life Application

  1. We all react to the news we receive. With the coming of Jesus many responded with indifference, Mary and Joseph with fear and awe, Herod felt threatened, and the magi committed to worship. This Christmas, what is your response to Jesus in your thoughts, your relationships, and how you spend your time and money?

  2. The magi (like Abraham and so many other faithful pilgrims), travelled from afar to see and worship Jesus led by a “star.” They had been studying and preparing for this season for some time and were ready, physically, spiritually, and mentally, to follow the star wherever it led. How are you preparing, physically, spiritually, and mentally for the opportunities God will grant you for worship and service?

  3. The gifts from the magi were both significant and symbolic and given in an act of worship and honour. How do you give gifts? How do you offer your gifts to others, and use your gifts for the sake of God’s mission and kingdom?

  4. Obedient to the end, the magi received another divine vision warning them to go home by another, most likely unconventional, route in order to protect Jesus. This could have cost them time, money, safety, and more, but they did it. In what ways is God calling you to travel by a different route than the one you are currently on in order to protect or fulfill the work he is trying to do in and through you, your family, or church?



The Blessings of Obeying God’s Will


God’s Compassion and Love Prevails