You are Called to be a Faithful Servant

A Sermon on Matthew 25:14-30 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Happy New Year GCF Calgary! Praising the Lord for a wonderful start of a new year. Our theme for this 2023 is “God’s Faithful Servant”, which was derived from Matthew 25:21. One of our aims as a church this year is for each of us to be a good steward of our spiritual gifts, resources, time, and priorities in our lives.

We all know that Jesus used parables in the Scriptures to teach, give us warning, and encourage us so that we may be ready and worthy of Him when He returns. The parable that we will revisit tonight will help us to be reminded that Jesus is surely coming - secretly and suddenly. It also exhorted us to become fruitful by using the gifts that God has graciously given each one of us.


  1. The Lord entrusted us with gifts, resources, and talents. (vv.14-18)

  2. The Lord’s response to the servants’ fruitfulness and 

  3. unproductiveness. (vv. 19-28)

  4. The Lord’s charge to us is to be fruitful and faithful as we wait for His return.  (vv.29-30)

Life Applications:

  1. God has given you gifts, abilities, and possessions by which you are to serve Him. You are called to be faithful in using those gifts. How are you nourishing the gifts and talents that the Lord has given you this 2023?

    2. Do you see yourself as someone to whom the Lord will say “well done, good and faithful servant”? If not, what are the things that you need to change in your life today for you to become a faithful and fruitful servant of Jesus?

    3. Take some time this week to thank God and reflect on all the good gifts that He has given you.  Think about your family, your finances, your friends, your possessions, your opportunities, and your church family.  Give glory to God and thank Him for His grace shown to you. 



Timothy: The Faithful Servant’s Spiritual Growth


A Grateful Heart for God’s Blessings