Sermon Archives
Grumbling Against God’s Calling
Jonah was called by the Lord to reach out and preach to the Ninevites to turn away from their sins and evil ways.
Do All Things for Christ with Thanksgiving
What are the challenges that the world is throwing at you today that rob you of having a thankful heart toward the Lord?
A Grateful Leper
Let us reflect on how Jesus bestowed healing to the ten lepers and how He commended a leper because of his faithfulness and gratefulness to God.
Jehoshaphat: Thankful Even Under Pressure
Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel displayed their unwavering trust and faith that the Lord will fight and save them from danger.
Loyal to My Christian Community
We are all called to be loyal, loving, kind, at peace, and helpful to the church where the Lord called us to serve and grow.
Time and Gifts
The parable that we are studying tonight will give us a strong counsel to be fruitful by using the gifts that God has graciously given each one of us.
Committed to Discipleship
The Apostle Paul gave us an inspiring model on how to train and encourage others to grow in their Christian faith and life. He also exhorted Timothy to train faithful men who would in turn train others in disciple-making.
Faithful in My Giving
1 Chronicle was written as a word of encouragement to God’s people communicating the glory of what God had done in establishing his kingdom through Kings David and Solomon, in anticipation of what he would one day fulfill in and through the coming Messiah.
Evangelism: Reaching Out to Others
Evangelism is the proclamation of the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ. Its primary aim is to bring a person to the knowledge and faith in Jesus. Jesus commanded us to reach out to the lost and share with them His unconditional love and saving power.
A Life Dedicated in Worship
True worship is our desire to honor, love, and submit ourselves to God.
Committed to Quiet Time
Are you consistent in your daily quiet time with the Lord? Quiet time with the Lord is so vital in our Christian living because it will help us to grow in our personal relationship with Him.
Esther: Saying Yes to God
Although very few of us, if any at all, face a decision quite like Esther’s, like Esther we live in a world fighting for power, control, and self-satisfaction, which creates a great tension between whether we say, “Yes” to God, or to someone or something else.
Daniel: Standing Firm Against Temptation
Daniel experienced different pressures, sufferings, and numerous temptations that enticed him to compromise and turn away from his faith in God.
King Saul: Be Faithful in Obeying God’s Will
King Saul obeyed the Lord partly by launching an attack against the Amalekites, but he did not follow the whole counsel of the Lord to destroy everything.
The Good Father
Fathers call us out to a great adventure in the world around us and prepare us for this new world.
Elijah: Knowing God’s Power
Prophet Elijah showed his dependence and immeasurable faith in God’s power as he made a stand to serve the true and only God of Israel.